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Rogers: Director of Intelligence Shares Concerns over Open Skies

Chairman Mike Rogers (R-AL), Chairman of the House Armed Services Strategic Forces subcommittee, made the following statement today after questioning Lieutenant General Vincent R. Stewart, USMC, Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency on Russia’s ongoing lawlessness, including concerning the 2002 Open Skies Treaty.

During the House Armed Services Full Committee Hearing on “World Wide Threats,” Rogers asked General Stewart, “Can you say anything about how Russia… is using their Open Skies flights over United States and as the principle intelligence officer for the Secretary of Defense, can you tell us if that concerns you and what are those concerns?”

Lt. Gen Stewart responded, “The Open Skies construct was designed for a different era. I am very concerned about how it is applied today and I’d love to talk about in a closed hearing.”

“The threat posed by Russia seems to be clear to everyone but the President. When Russia is invading its neighbors and cheating on arms control treaties left-and-right, it is a mystery to me why the President would continue to let the Russian Federation put U.S. security at risk as he is doing with the Open Skies Treaty. Congress will have to step in if the President will continue to turn a blind eye to Putin’s threats,” Rogers said.


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