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Press Releases

Rogers: Pelosi's Sham Bill Does Nothing to Combat China

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Representative Mike Rogers (R-AL), Lead Republican of the House Armed Services Committee, released a statement ahead of today’s vote on H.R. 4521, the America COMPETES Act.

“Nancy Pelosi’s so-called COMPETES ACT should be titled the SURRENDER ACT. It does absolutely nothing to make our nation more competitive against Communist China. Worse, this bill distracts from the modernization of our military to combat the threat from China with pointless Green New Deal projects and woke social justice projects.

“China blatantly lies, cheats, and steals. They are one of the worst human rights abusers in the world and profit off of slave labor. The United States must work to deter and combat China and this pathetic far-left bill is not what we need.

“I will vote no on this do nothing sham of a bill.” 

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