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Press Releases

Rogers to Vote No on Democrats Socialist Tax and Spend Bill

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Representative Mike Rogers (R-AL) released a statement regarding his intention to vote no on President Biden’s “Build Back Better” legislation.


“While Americans are struggling this holiday season with rapid inflation, Nancy Pelosi and Democrats are trying to ram through President Biden’s $1.5 trillion tax and spend bill – burdening taxpayers. President Biden’s socialist scheme will tax middle class Americans and subsidize Green New Deal initiatives while hurting American energy development. This deal also includes amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants while the crisis at our southern border rages on. Their desperation to pass this legislation proves what we’ve known all along – Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden are out of touch with Americans. I will be standing up for my constituents and voting no President Biden’s egregious Build Back Broke scheme.”

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