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Press Releases

Rogers Urges Biden, Energy Secretary to Protect American Energy Independence

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Representative Mike Rogers (R-AL) sent a letter to President Joe Biden and Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm expressing his concern with their “refusal to protect American energy independence.”


In the letter Rep. Rogers wrote, “While you are in Europe touting your Green New Deal policies, gas prices and the cost of living here at home are sky rocketing.”


The full text of the letter is below:


Dear President Biden and Secretary Granholm:


I write to you today to express my constituency’s extreme frustration with your refusal to protect American energy independence. While you are in Europe touting your Green New Deal policies, gas prices and the cost of living here at home are sky rocketing. I represent a poor, rural Congressional district where increases in energy prices are effectively a tax on folks just trying to get by. From agricultural producers to school teachers to small business owners, my constituents’ cost of living is directly tied to gas and energy prices. With Thanksgiving and Christmas approaching, instead of focusing on making it easier on American businesses to simply exist, you are actively making it harder.


One of your Administration’s first actions in office was to give in to far-left Green New Deal activists and deny the permit to the Keystone pipeline, which would have strengthened American energy production. Your Administration has also banned oil and gas leasing on federal lands and waters. Now, you are in Scotland promoting your “Build Back Socialist” plan which would not only force businesses and constituents in my district to invest in unreliable green energy initiatives but would also cost the American taxpayers trillions of dollars.


Our nation went from energy independence and a booming economy under President Trump to your Administration begging OPEC and Russia, to increase their oil production. American energy independence is a national security priority and relying on other countries for our fuel is a direct threat to our nation.


 I demand you uphold your oath and protect American national security by protecting American energy independence.

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