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ICYMI: Rogers, McCarthy, McCaul, Turner, Comer: Biden's Afghanistan debacle began with the fall of Kabul a year ago and Americans deserve answers

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Biden's Afghanistan debacle began with the fall of Kabul a year ago and Americans deserve answers By Ranking Member Mike Rogers, House Republican Leader McCarthy, Ranking Members Michael McCaul, Mike Turner, and James Comer August 15, 2022 Fox News The Biden administration spent the past 12 months misleading the American people to avoid accountability for its failed withdrawal…

Rogers Calls Out Biden's Socialist Tax Increase on Americans

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Washington, D.C. – U.S. Representative Mike Rogers (R-AL-03) released the following statement on House Democrats voting to raise taxes on Americans during a recession. “In the midst of a recession and record high inflation caused by President Biden’s reckless spending the last thing Congress should do is raise taxes on Americans. Yet, Speaker Pelosi brought the so-called ‘Inflation…

Rogers: Biden Admin Weaponized Law Enforcement Against President Trump

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Washington, D.C. – U.S. Representative Mike Rogers (R-AL) released the following statement on reports that the FBI conducted a raid on President Trump’s residence.   “The Democrats’ political weaponization of the FBI and Department of Justice should deeply concern all Americans. Conducting an FBI raid on the residence of a former President three months before an election is a clear…

Rogers Statement on Biden's Recession

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Washington, D.C. – U.S. Representative Mike Rogers (R-AL-03) released the following statement on reports that the U.S. GDP fell for the second quarter straight – a sign that the U.S. is now in a recession.   “Today’s news is proof that Joe Biden and his administration lied to the American people about the risks of a recession. On day one of his administration, Biden put the…

ICYMI: Rogers, Colleagues Press DoD on Communist China's Efforts to Infiltrate U.S. Colleges

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U.S. Reps. Rogers, Brooks, Aderholt press DefSec Austin on Communist China's efforts to infiltrate U.S. colleges Jeff Poor July 27, 2022 1819 News   U.S. Reps. Mike Rogers (R-Saks), Mo Brooks (R-Huntsville) and Robert Aderholt (R-Haleyville), along with Republican Study Committee chairman Jim Banks (R-Ind.), sent a letter to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin earlier this week…

Rogers Will Vote Against Bill That Chips Away at Second Amendment

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Washington, D.C. – U.S. Representative Mike Rogers (R-AL-03) released the following statement reaffirming his support for the Second Amendment. “Just a day after the Supreme Court affirmed our Constitutional right to own guns, Speaker Pelosi puts legislation on the House floor that will chip away at our Second Amendment. This bill will allow taxpayer dollars to fund government-run gun…

Rogers Statement in Support of SCOTUS Ruling to Overturn Roe v. Wade

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Washington, D.C. – U.S. Representative Mike Rogers (R-AL-03) released the following statement in support for the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. “The U.S. Supreme Court has finally corrected a long-standing error by overturning Roe v. Wade, the disastrous decision that allowed abortion on demand in America. Today, the Supreme Court made the right decision to…

Rogers Reintroduces Bill to Withdraw the U.S. from the United Nations & World Health Organization

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  Washington, D.C. – U.S. Representative Mike Rogers (R-AL-03) announced he reintroduced the American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2022. The legislation would withdraw the United States from the United Nations and the World Health Organization.    “The United Nations has repeatedly proven itself to be an utterly useless organization. The UN’s founding charter states…

Rogers Announces Grant to Fix Ragland Railroad Crossing

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Oxford, AL – Today, U.S. Representative Mike Rogers (R-AL-03) announced a $4,962,110.00 grant from the Department of Transportation to make safety improvements to the Alabama Tennessee River Railway (ATN) between Birmingham and Guntersville, AL. Rep. Rogers previously called on the Department of Transportation to approve this grant.   “The students at Ragland High School are a…

Rogers, Colleagues Introduce Resolution to Expunge Unjust Impeachment of President Trump

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Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Representative Mike Rogers (R-AL-03), joined Rep. Markwayne Mullin (R-OK-02) and 27 of their Republican colleagues in introducing a resolution to expunge the second impeachment of President Donald J. Trump. This resolution addresses the absurdities on which the lone article of impeachment was based and the blatant misconduct of Democrats in failing to follow…

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